Stop 2 : Hosier Lane

Our second stop is Hosier Lane, Melbourne’s most iconic laneway.

The vibrant artworks found range from tags, stencils, murals, art pieces and objects from a variety of artists which occupy every square throughout the thoroughfare. Every street art here is ephemeral in nature in the sense that no art will outlast the continuous overlap of artworks. Street art has evolved from portending a rebellious connotation to now has becoming an element of mainstream culture. Hosier Lane isn't only an exhibition for tourists and a canvas for artists, but it is also an aesthetically pleasing environment for wedding photography.

Inconsistent and controversial political standpoint arises with the issue of street art, for the government has anti-graffiti laws to abolish all graffiti and issue hefty fines. Ironically yet, the government has commissioned Hosier Lane to remain unperturbed by cleaners and is featured in Melbourne tourism guides. Additionally, some would argue that the government is indirectly approving the vandalism of private property and is thus creating a gateway to more rebellious behaviour.

This questions the dichotomy of the Victoria government on their approach to graffiti.

Not only does the street art in Hosier Lane not only serve an attraction purpose, but it also displays deep and meaningful images which require interpretation to understand coupling messages directed at the government. Questionably, as Hosier Lane is controlled by the government, if it was to be erased, would it imply that our human right to a freedom of speech is censored?

