Union Lane

Union Lane: Heading away from Federation Square, to and along Bourke Street, you’ll come across Union Lane.  This is another example of street art acting as an attraction rather than a deterrent.

While Melbourne’s infamous, Bourke Street Mall is undoubtedly the reason why most find themselves in this area, Union Lane is a little bonus: an ‘Easter egg’, if you will. It’s also a major attraction for Melbourne and international street artists alike.

Similar to Hosier and Rutledge Lanes, Union Lane is an eclectic display of street art in all its forms. The spot was popularised in 2008, when The City of Melbourne launched its Street Art Project in an effort to transform unappealing spaces into something more. Union Lane went from being a mess of tags and graffiti, to an open outdoor gallery, with just a few tags sprinkled about for good measure.

This is the last stop and this time you’re going to find a tag and bedazzle it with a sticker. If you have leftover stickers then use them up: Keep placing stickers on tags until they’re all gone—the stickers, that is.

