Lest We Forget, Hosier Lane
This mural is a beautiful and humbling tribute to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of remembrance to the Anzac soldiers who fought at Gallipoli. This work represents an iconic moment of Australian history and was put up for ANZAC day, which falls on the 25th of April each year.
The fact that the work remains unmarked by taggers shows the significance that the commemoration of the ANZACS still has, not only on the Melbourne Street Art scene, but also on the general public. This work evidences the influence that street artists can have over the general public and the power they have to convey any message they choose. It is simply up to us to interpret it.
These works provide an encapsulation of how iconic Australian Culture and Identity can be represented through Street Art. However during this tour you will find many other works that provide a significant commentary on political and social agenda, that represent Australian identity and attitudes, or that feature iconic Australians.
Please take the time to consider the works that represent Iconic Australian Culture and Identity to you.