Stop 2: Cecil St, Fitzroy
The commissioning of street art on private property has several positive outcomes for both the art and the wider community. Commissioning street art pieces allows both the resident and the artist to share something cultural with the community. Such an outward expression affords an ability to contribute culturally to the environment. Commissioned murals can add value to a private property, both aesthetically and economically. The commissioned mural on this house was a major draw card during its sale in 2013. Property owners who commission street art or wish to preserve uncommissioned art on their property are capitalizing on the increasing value of street art, now a commodified and incredibly lucrative industry.
From a cultural standpoint, commissioned street art can be seen as enriching for a community on a number of different levels. An outward display of public expression, street art provides individuals with a platform to reach a public audience with their message. Commissioned street art facilitates an opportunity for the private citizen to convey a message in a public forum, as an artwork on private property is attached to its ‘speaker’.