Birds and Street Art
deTour Description
Birds. They're everywhere -- one of the only animals you can see all over the place in Melbourne. Not only in real life, but in street art too. Why the fascination with birds?
The tour focuses on investigating how birds are represented in street art, and how they are used by the artist to form a connection between the viewer, the piece in question and the surrounding artworks. It takes the audience through an alley that is, for some reason, always surprisingly empty considering its location adjacent to the Queen Victoria Markets: a little tunnel of calm compared to the buzzing market place. The alley features both commissioned and non-commissioned art with plenty of pieces by iconic Melbourne artists.
Locations for deTour
Suitcase Street
Perhaps it's a Saturday morning. In the adult world, that translates into “time to go food shopping”. Or maybe you're just keen to grab a quick breakfast before your seminar on a Tuesday morning. Either way, you're headed to the…
In the Background
That's the point. Birds are everywhere. This prevalence ensures that images of our airborne friends are easy for an audience to connect to, making them as commonplace in artwork as they are in everyday life. When you walk up past the stencilled…
Fight or Flight
Have a look to your right. A parrot! This is an extremely powerful image. The elegant parrot is the smallest piece and is spatially in the background, yet the positioning of its wings and the ruffled tail feathers attribute to it such a state of…
A Peaceful Piece
Taking a few steps forwards leads you to this stencilled piece on the left. What comes to mind when you think of hummingbirds? Song, summer, sweet nectar. Nature. These connotations and the fact that the hummingbird chooses to perch on the young…
Making a Break For It
Walking into the car park on the left, you are now feeling very rebellious because you are completely ignoring the “NO TRESPASSING – PRIVATE PROPERTY” sign. How else would you appreciate this mural on the building that constitutes the right wall of…
deTour Postscript
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