Leave Your Mark

Street art is one of Melbourne’s most prised cultural allures, but why should the artists have all the fun? Come on a treasure hunt and reclaim the space, one sticker at a time. (Stickers not included, so bring your own. You’ll need at least 5.)

Hosier Lane

Hosier Lane: Easily Melbourne’s most famous landmark for the creation and appreciation of street art. This treasure trove of colour and expression is a major attraction to street artists around the world. The site has seen the work of some of the…

Rutledge Lane

Rutledge Lane: Branching off from the iconic Hosier Lane, this little alleyway attracts a plethora of budding street artists and their admirers. The street is a constant reimagining of itself with works known to appear and disappear within the space…

Degraves Street

Degraves Street: Just a stone’s throw from Federation Square and Flinders Street Station, Degraves Street is a narrow strip of cobblestones and cafes, broken down the middle and not quite straight. The place you’re looking for is at the back of the…

Watson Place

Watson Place: An oddity on this tour as it’s the only stop that isn’t a laneway or street. As you’ll notice, the piece is a mural painted by the artist, Dvate. It’s also a combination of several art styles, including among them: realism and tagging.…

Union Lane

Union Lane: Heading away from Federation Square, to and along Bourke Street, you’ll come across Union Lane.  This is another example of street art acting as an attraction rather than a deterrent. While Melbourne’s infamous, Bourke Street Mall is…