Space Invaders of Melbourne
deTour Description
Explore the boundaries between the physical and virtual world, with French street artist "Invader"s works scattered throughout the city. Download the artist's app "flashinvaders" to scan and gain points as you capture some of the Space Invaders lurking in Melbourne’s CBD.
Locations for deTour
Stop 1: Rothsay Lane
Over the years, Invader’s works have become iconic to Melbourne’s streetscape. His name originates from his sprites and pixel aesthetic which stems from the 1970s and 80s, and bears resemblance to the arcade classic “Space Invaders”. However his…
Stop 2: Princess Bridge
This second piece of Invader’s work is less obvious as it blends somewhat into its environment. Due to its inconspicuous nature and inaccessibility, it remains in good condition. This “Space Invader” bears a strong resemblance to a Pac-Man…
Stop: 3 Drewery Lane
A short walk or tram ride will lead the audience to the entrance of Drewery Lane, in which a Space Invader appears to be hovering on a ledge on the street corner, in typical video game fashion. This piece has been installed higher as to prevent…
Stop 4: Bullens Lane
The next stop is a crowded wall on another busy street corner, this time at Bullens Lane. Similar to the first Invader, this work is in a highly frequented area, however it appears to have suffered significantly less damage. This could possibly be…
Stop 5: Meyers Place
In the final stretch of our journey, we head to Meyers Place. Upon wandering into this lane, you will find an Invader with mirrored tile eyes greeting you slightly above eye level. The reflective eyes on this piece are captivating as they are…
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